Friday, December 18, 2009

Getting Ready for January

Right now, most of you are getting ready for Christmas and shopping.

I encourage you to take a break from your business...have fun with friends and family.

When this is going on keep a pad and pen handy beside you though...I have always found that when I am at my most 'relaxed and happy'...that is when my best "Business Ideas" come through.

So, if you don't jot them down quick...some of your best ideas can slip right by you.

By making a quick note of your can then look at them more closely come the New Year.

This helps you in two ways:

1) You are allowing your ideas to flow freely when you are "Relaxed" and in a "Fun" state....and those ideas are usually geared to this too by the way.


2) When you re-start your business in January you are doing so "Refreshed" and "Looking forward" instead of ....drained...desperate and scared.

See the difference???

So go ahead....Be Merry....have FUN!!! and Jot Down your Great Idea's!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Jody In Beautiful BC

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

Friday, December 4, 2009

JumpStart your January Sales Now!!!

Some of you may have heard a Rumour! The Rumour is shhhhh….

January is the slowest Month of the Year in any Home Based Business!

Well, thankfully that’s just a Rumour!!!!

For the 9 yrs I was in the Direct Sales Company I bonused (didn’t do just the minimum sales) Each and EVERY January!!!!

I’m going to share with you some of my Top Tips on how to maximize your January sales NOW!!!!

TIP Connect and Build Bridges with Customer

Scene #1
So, it’s near the end of the year! September, October, and November have been totally amazing. Sales have been through the roof, you are glad there is a lull so that you can finally slow down for your own Christmas Agenda.

Then, a funny thing happens! It’s January 5th and you have no shows left!

No customers to talk to!

Realizing, yikes, how did this happen? I better get on the phone and do some calls!

So in a panic you start phoning a tonne of customers, hostesses, then you bug your best friends (again!) to please look at the new catalogue and ask,
“Do you think you might wanna have a party????”

Sound familiar?

How does this sound instead?

Scene #2

It’s January 5th and today I’m calling my 6 hostesses that I already have booked, letting them know the new catalogue is in, it’s amazing and I give them 3 great New ideas that they can tell their guests about to help get them to the shows!
They are:
1) Fabulous Gifts for each guest in attendance
2) New products at the show
3) Shipping is on me (or whatever you want to offer)

Now, I don't know about you....but I'd rather have Scene #2 and Know what I am doing...then doing something out of Frusteration and Desperation!

If you had been building Bridges behind you then Scene #2 is totally possible, if not, it’s not too late!

Here are my three Easy Breezy Ways to build some bridges for the New Year!

1) Stay Connected with your Past Hostess's/Customer's
2) Have a mail-out list
3) Keep up connections with their family (spouse/parents/siblings)

Let me Expand on each of these for ya!

1) Stay Connected
  • Go through all your sales from the past year...YES..the past year. List all your Hostess's/names/address'   Also make a list from your customer base...put them in 2 categories...those who bought under $50...those who bought Over $50  
2) Have a Mail Out List
  • After you have made out your Connections you will now have 3 different mail outs!!!
  • One to all your past Hostess's thanking them for their time and business (include your new catalogue & that you are going to have an event in the New Year...just for them!)
  • Second to all your customer's who ordered over $50...let these ladies know that they are now one of your "preferred customer's" and that they will Always be in the know of upcoming specials
  • Third...will be to your customer's who ordered under $50...thank them for their patronage..and how happy you were to meet them.
3) Keeping up Connections with Family
  • You want to make sure that you get to know every hostess's family! 
  • Make sure you write down in your hostess's file their husband's name, sister, brother, mother etc...if you can...then when there are great Christmas specials....Valentine's Special's...and in the summer know Who to talk to & help them choose fav gifts for your special Hostess
(some of my most successful & lucrative parties have been my Spouse was well over $10,000 just before Christmas!)

So there ya go!
Some great ideas for how to Jumpstart your January!

I'd love to know how you stay connected with your Customer's!

JODY :))

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

Monday, November 23, 2009

reBlog from Designed for Divine Destinations

I found this fascinating quote today:

Ok.. so… there’s this cosmetics company that I found out about. It’s non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, and non-hormone disrupting. I totally get passionate about this sort of thing as I am working on detoxing my body as much as possible. I get excited about the fact that I can detox and not slather on more toxins with my every day makeup and cosmetics (soap, shaving cream, shower gel etc). I use up to 15 items every day.. the cosmetics industry (which is totally unregulated) says there are only “trace amounts” of toxins but consider that you use this stuff every day and it’s about 15-20 products. ….. alright you get it, I’m, Designed for Divine Destinations, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

reBlog from Designed for Divine Destinations

I found this fascinating quote today:

My hubby posted this on his blog…and I thought it very relevant to what our readers think too! Enjoy and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts!!!, Designed for Divine Destinations, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Pareto Principle! 80/20 Rule

 Or the 80/20 rule!

This principle simply means that 20% of the work you do Accounts for 80% of your results!

Top income earners have also become top Procrastinators...or perhaps here is a more positive word...Discernment!  These people, when polled, knew what tasks in their business made them
money and what tasks didn't!  So they CHOSE to do the tasks that made them money first...then
gave the other tasks to someone else.

I fondly remember when I had first decided to hire an assistant...we worked out our pay structure (lucky for
me she loved candles....and I sold them) so we 'traded' time for candles!!!

She handled things like:
  • Wrapping my door prizes for my next few weeks of shows
  • Making sure my hostess packages were all put together
  • Cleaning out my demo bag...making sure catalogues were in 'new' condition
  • Organizing my tote boxes and cleaning my display items
  • Birthday/Anniversary cards
While she did that I was able to concentrate on my making money activities:
  • Hostess Coaching coffee dates
  • New consultant training
  • my Daily calls
  • Personal Invitations
  • Calendar Control
  • Putting in shows/new consultant agreements
I had never heard of the 80/20 rule years ago, but knowing it now...I certainly lived it and my paycheck was
proof of that!

So decide today & everyday what are your money making those activities FIRST before you
check your emails, go on FB, read other people's blogs, twitter...etc....and I guarantee that you will start getting the results you want!!!

JODY :))

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Doing What We Love!

 We all need reminders as to why we are doing what we are doing!??

Sometimes I think we get pulled in by circumstances...those being the every day living to living stuff...the necessities of life...uh like food, clothing, bills we "settle" for a job so that we can pay those things, and perhaps put off what we really like to do!

Perhaps though, we can do just more than 'settle'.

What is it that YOU love to do? and do well?

Is it talking and communicating to people? Singing? Writing? Scrapbooking? We all have talents or "hobbies" that we enjoy...and I truly believe that when you know what it is that you truly love...that is what you should be doing!  The money will come from it when you Value what is is that you love!

I was listening to a great call with a fella named Henry Gold, who had made his thousands, and then found himself broke again.  He got a job at 7-11 to pay for his livin' but he never gave up on his make a significant income online; in fact, he worked his 'hobby' whenever he could.  He finally did his 'dream' and never gave UP! Today he has taught so many people in what they love to do.

What a great story and motivation this is.....not to give up...even when people say "it can't be done" "why are you dreaming so big? just think smaller"....mmmm....

I believe that thinking Small does not serve You or the world!  Think of all the people who had great big dreams....Oprah, Bill Gates, Ghandi...they did not think small...they brought about great things by thinking bigger than themselves.

Don't sell yourself short either...think about what you love to do (or perhaps it was something that brought you joy when you were younger...) and start Doing what You Love!

JODY :))

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

Friday, October 30, 2009

Never Ass-U-Me (Assume)

A few years ago I was doing a home party show and was doing my Hostess Coaching with a great gal!

I knew she had done a few other different parties with other companies, but even knowing this I made it a point to set a coffee date so that we could sit down and go over the hostess package!

I met her at her home, brought the package and proceeded to go over the details.

We went over some key things that I do for every hostess:
  • Brainstorm for guest names
  • Discuss that if someone cannot make the show, they can definitely place an order
  • I always tell my hostess's that they know their guests better than I do, and how I do not like to "push sales on anybody", so with this in mind if she has a guest who is on a 'fixed budget' this would be the ideal person that she could talk host her own party!
  • We also discuss how the hostess will contact people, and a 'warm way to invite them'
My hostess was ECTASTIC and over the edge with happiness!

She gushed on how "no other consultant had set out clearly" about having a party!

UH???  I was stunned. 

I had "ASSUMED" (ya know the old makes an ASS-Out-of-U-and-ME) that because my friend had several other parties with other companies, she would know all the fun details about being a hostess!!!

I was also pleasantly surprised by her warm "thanks" about how to even "invite her guests"...this was always something she had dreaded doing in the past...and she mentioned such things like:

  • I never knew Exactly what to say when I invited I'd usually say something stupid like "oh just come...have fun...I don't expect you to buy anything" ((uh, even tho she did want them to buy a little something))
  • Sitting down and making a list was always daunting and I put it off...but now we've done it together..thanks!!
  • I never thought of keeping the food simple...I had no idea about giving people too many choices..I always thought I had to put together a huge COSTLY spread..thanks for simplifying it!
  • I'm looking forward to this party, you have made it fun!
It just goes to show ya all....never assume that people who have had tonnes of other parties know even just the basics of having a Successful party...sure you mite get the seats filled...but filled with people who have no INTENTIONS of spending anything!!!

Think about it & I'd love to hear some of your most fun Hostess's!!!

JODY :))

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Moms

I watched Dr. Phil the other day and this was his topic! Wow!

I couldn't believe how strongly against working moms, some of the stay at home moms were.  Well, probably just one in particular.  She shared that staying at home was the 'be all' for moms, and anyone who chose any differently should be ashamed!

Now, I love my children (4 natural and 2 stepsons), but I distinctly remember when my oldest ones were 4 1/2 and 6 mths old my thoughts and feelings.

I'm a smart person who's life revolved around changing diapers, potty training, cleaning up puke...and although I love my life the question kept nagging "Is this really all I'm meant to do???"

Entered my first business, and the need for ADULT conversation.

I chose a Home Party Plan biz because of two factors: I chose when I worked & it enabled me to be at home as much as possible for my kids!

I loved getting 'dressed up' and talking to a 'few adults'...without having to intervene in between toddlers fighting over a toy, who's feelings were hurt and the many things we moms take on.

What a gift I thought I had been given.  Even better, I left for most of my shows at 6:30 and my kids went to bed.  So, on top of making a great income....yup in the 6  digits people...I did around 12 shows per month and since my kids went to bed at 7 I only missed 1 1/2 hours of their awake time.

Plus here were some great benefits of having my own business:
  • Getting out with other moms/women
  • Being the center of attention (ha ha not really, but I just wanted to see if ya were really reading)
  • Definitely more $$; in fact, I was soon making more than my ex...who at the time resented that..oh well
  • Great tax savings! It's true, when you have your own home business, you get a tonne of tax breaks!
  • I felt like a woman! (to quote Shania)
  • Plus my kids NEVER saw the inside of a daycare
If someone years ago had JUDGED me based on my decisions, I would've felt very very sad.

After all, what I have learned the most is that being a Happy mom is truly the best gift I could ever give to my children!!!!

Speak up moms, let's hear your side!

Jody In Beautiful BC

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

reBlog from Designed for Divine Destinations

I found this fascinating quote today:

There are so many ‘options’ out there today for business’s and ways to ‘grow your business’, ‘make money online’ etc… that many people get themselves into a state of “Overwhelment” and then the funny thing that happens is this…”Nothing” gets done/, Designed for Divine Destinations

You should read the whole article.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

reBlog from Designed for Divine Destinations

I found this fascinating quote today:

Being a “mompreneur” is the new logo for moms all around of one key essential,, Designed for Divine Destinations, Sep 2009

You should read the whole article.

The Power Of Empowering!

When you start a Home Party Business, the first thought is how to get people to have parties. Many coaches or "uplines" advise you to have your own party first and that is a great idea! You are excited about your new position as a distributor and you are excited about the product and you think everyone else should be!
Think about why you got into the business. Some become a distributor because of the discount and then think about making money with it.. if it happens. If you don't make it happen, it's not  going to. Be sure you know whether or not you really want to host parties or just enjoy the discount.
When you make the decision to sell, be sure that it's your decision and that someone didn't just talk you into it. If you have not accepted the role, you will not be successful no matter how good your coach is.
One of the greatest challenges that new distributors come across is how to get people to book parties. I know that many distributors feel they need to have a lot of product knowledge before they can start feeling comfortable with demonstrating. The beauty of hosting your own party first is that you are surrounded by friends and family, if you make any mistakes, they know that you are new at it and are very forgiving. Making mistakes is how you learn, go ahead and get them done with those who are most forgiving. Start with the products that you fell in love with and their questions will teach you what you need to know for the next time.
When you have your party, don't expect that people are just going to sign up to have their own party, you have to ask! Plant seeds through out the party (we will address this in another blog). Give them the idea to have their own party during the party. At the end when you observe how much they like your products or particular products... ask them if they would like to have a party of their own, so they can get a discount on the items they would like to purchase. I myself would generally say "when would you like to host your own party so that you can get more items that you like?" but you should ask with the way you are comfortable.
Be sure to have a calendar purchased before you have your first event. (We will also address calendars and booking later) and have it handy. Determine ahead of time what days you will have available. Being wide open looks desperate so schedule them with in both your and the clients parameters. Be sure to encourage booking within the month.
What to say when they say no... sort of... People will give you different kinds of "no-s" . Some will outright say, "no, I don't want to have a party", and your question to them is "you don't want to have one now, in the next month or the next year? or ever?". No is a different answer in every ones mind. Be sure you are clear on what "No" means. If they say no.. for now then ask permission to call them in a few months to check back in with them. If they say never, then respect that and ask if they can be on your mailing list for future order.
There are some who say no but may mean something else. I remember being with my upline when I was researching whether I wanted to represent this company. I had a friend of mine book a party and at the end of her party one of her friends answered the question with ".... no... I don't have enough friends who would come." My upline said "are you sure?" and her friend said "yeah". My upline was about to drop the ball and let it go...but I could tell she was interested in hosting a party to get more product at a discount and free stuff too. I piped up "Oh sure you do! Sara (the host of the party...not her real name) will come, won't you?" Sara says "of course I'll come" and another friend pipes up "Oh yeah, I would come too, I need to spread out my order". Then I asked her "Don't you have a couple of friends at work that would come?..or what about  a friend from the gym?". After I encouraged her to think of a couple of people and she felt good knowing that she had at least 2 firm commitments she decided to host and her party generated $800 in sales.  One of the girls at the party inquired about becoming a distributor herself.
Now, maybe $800.00 is not going to make anyone rich but.. the friend was happy, there was potential for more business and party bookings.. AND I got more experience. What was the secret? I figured out that some people want to host a party, it's always a good excuse to invite people over and have fun (who may not come otherwise) and that some people feel that they don't know enough people to make it worth your while. By assuring her that she did know people who would come and by letting her know that it's not all about how many people who come but it's about having fun, they feel more comfortable booking a party with you.
There are lots of people who like to have parties, there are lots who want to earn the free gifts. Take the time to genuinely talk to them without pressure and find out what it really is that they want. You have the power to empower them.
Charlotte Salafia
"Where it's not just about the destination, but the journey to get there."
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Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"