Monday, November 23, 2009

reBlog from Designed for Divine Destinations

I found this fascinating quote today:

Ok.. so… there’s this cosmetics company that I found out about. It’s non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, and non-hormone disrupting. I totally get passionate about this sort of thing as I am working on detoxing my body as much as possible. I get excited about the fact that I can detox and not slather on more toxins with my every day makeup and cosmetics (soap, shaving cream, shower gel etc). I use up to 15 items every day.. the cosmetics industry (which is totally unregulated) says there are only “trace amounts” of toxins but consider that you use this stuff every day and it’s about 15-20 products. ….. alright you get it, I’m, Designed for Divine Destinations, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

1 comment:

  1. wow...that is scary..

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