Thursday, November 5, 2009

Doing What We Love!

 We all need reminders as to why we are doing what we are doing!??

Sometimes I think we get pulled in by circumstances...those being the every day living to living stuff...the necessities of life...uh like food, clothing, bills we "settle" for a job so that we can pay those things, and perhaps put off what we really like to do!

Perhaps though, we can do just more than 'settle'.

What is it that YOU love to do? and do well?

Is it talking and communicating to people? Singing? Writing? Scrapbooking? We all have talents or "hobbies" that we enjoy...and I truly believe that when you know what it is that you truly love...that is what you should be doing!  The money will come from it when you Value what is is that you love!

I was listening to a great call with a fella named Henry Gold, who had made his thousands, and then found himself broke again.  He got a job at 7-11 to pay for his livin' but he never gave up on his make a significant income online; in fact, he worked his 'hobby' whenever he could.  He finally did his 'dream' and never gave UP! Today he has taught so many people in what they love to do.

What a great story and motivation this is.....not to give up...even when people say "it can't be done" "why are you dreaming so big? just think smaller"....mmmm....

I believe that thinking Small does not serve You or the world!  Think of all the people who had great big dreams....Oprah, Bill Gates, Ghandi...they did not think small...they brought about great things by thinking bigger than themselves.

Don't sell yourself short either...think about what you love to do (or perhaps it was something that brought you joy when you were younger...) and start Doing what You Love!

JODY :))

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

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