Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stay at Home Moms vs. Working Moms

I watched Dr. Phil the other day and this was his topic! Wow!

I couldn't believe how strongly against working moms, some of the stay at home moms were.  Well, probably just one in particular.  She shared that staying at home was the 'be all' for moms, and anyone who chose any differently should be ashamed!

Now, I love my children (4 natural and 2 stepsons), but I distinctly remember when my oldest ones were 4 1/2 and 6 mths old my thoughts and feelings.

I'm a smart person who's life revolved around changing diapers, potty training, cleaning up puke...and although I love my life the question kept nagging "Is this really all I'm meant to do???"

Entered my first business, and the need for ADULT conversation.

I chose a Home Party Plan biz because of two factors: I chose when I worked & it enabled me to be at home as much as possible for my kids!

I loved getting 'dressed up' and talking to a 'few adults'...without having to intervene in between toddlers fighting over a toy, who's feelings were hurt and the many things we moms take on.

What a gift I thought I had been given.  Even better, I left for most of my shows at 6:30 and my kids went to bed.  So, on top of making a great income....yup in the 6  digits people...I did around 12 shows per month and since my kids went to bed at 7 I only missed 1 1/2 hours of their awake time.

Plus here were some great benefits of having my own business:
  • Getting out with other moms/women
  • Being the center of attention (ha ha not really, but I just wanted to see if ya were really reading)
  • Definitely more $$; in fact, I was soon making more than my ex...who at the time resented that..oh well
  • Great tax savings! It's true, when you have your own home business, you get a tonne of tax breaks!
  • I felt like a woman! (to quote Shania)
  • Plus my kids NEVER saw the inside of a daycare
If someone years ago had JUDGED me based on my decisions, I would've felt very very sad.

After all, what I have learned the most is that being a Happy mom is truly the best gift I could ever give to my children!!!!

Speak up moms, let's hear your side!

Jody In Beautiful BC

Jody Maley is Motivational Speaker & Trainer, mom of six,retired entrepeneur, ToastMaster, Queen of the Home Party Plan Biz!
"Where its not just about the Destination, it's the Journey to Get there!"

1 comment:

  1. Great post. As a working mom who is currently on my second mat leave I can't help but ask myself questions like "should I stay home?", "can I afford it?", "What about part time?", "what about starting my own business?"

    I think stay-at-home moms get flack from working moms and vice-versa. There's no perfect choice and either way there are sacrifices to be made - that's what being a mom is, no?
